Maxwell Hammer's shared items

Monday, July 24, 2006

Nothing ever happens

Somedays I read the gossip headlines and I have to clear my browser cache to make sure anything has actually changed. It's the same crap over and over.

Nothing happens during this part of the summer. Wars, wars happen now. That's about it. How do you make fun of a war? If I say the Hezbollah's ass looks fat then they'll blow me up. That's no fun, either.

Today's recycled headlines:

Keira says she's not anorexic. How many times have you said that this month? Imagine it was stink. Imagine everyone said you smelled like ass. Now, would you keep issuing statements saying you don't stink or take a shower? It's up to you, babe. Dying of anorexia is a good career move. You'll get your own made for tv movie out of it. You'll be as famous as Marilyn and lady Di. On the other hand you'll be dead. Maybe Elton John will write a song about you.

Nick Lachey gets on with his life.
He keeps saying that, but he doesn't seem to be actually doing anything. Since you're not doing anything come on over on my days off and well smoke a bowl together and listen to some Pink Floyd.

And yet more hints and allegations that Ryan Seacrest is gay. This time he's checking out Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth calls him on it.

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