And it's news!
It occurs to me that if you're going to pay someone to hold the umbrella while you walk your dog then it would just be easier to have that person walk the dog, righ? Otherwise this is probably just Mariah's daily photo op, right?
For all the haters out there.
"Whose life would I like to step into for the day? The President's," she was quoted by Contactmusic, as saying.
I could probably get some things done in the Oval Office," she added.Celebrity Week - Where Hollywood Meets the Las Vegas Strip - Tori's Ex To Speak Out: "Tori Spelling’s ex husband is set to go public with his feelings about the actress and the break-up of his marriage on a new relationship self-help TV show. "
Help stop ABC and Disney from electing Republicans.
I hate both the major polictical parties. I think the networks should be as unbiased as possible.
Boycott every company who advertises on ABC.
Does a major national broadcast network want to stain itself by presenting an irresponsible, slanderous, fraudulent, "docu-drama" to the American public?
Not if you and I have the last word -- but either way, we're about to find out.
The ABC television network -- a cog in the Walt Disney empire -- unleashed a promotional blitz in the last week for a new "docudrama" called "The Path to 9/11". ABC has thrown its corporate might behind the two-night production, and bills it as a public service: a TV event, to quote the ABC tagline, "based on the 9/11 Commission Report".
That's false. "The Path to 9/11" is actually a bald-faced attempt to slander Democrats and revise history right before Americans vote in a major election.
The miniseries, which was put together by right-wing conservative writers, relies on the old GOP playbook of using terrorism to scare Americans. "The Path to 9/11" mocks the truth and dishonors the memory of 9/11 victims to serve a cheap, callous political agenda. It irresponsibly misrepresents the facts and completely distorts the truth.
ABC/Disney executives need to hear from the public and understand that their abuse of the public trust comes with a cost. Tell Walt Disney CEO Robert Iger to keep this right-wing propaganda off the air -- we'll deliver your message:
This story is breaking quickly. The bias of the "docudrama" only became known when ABC began circulating previews recently. Less than two weeks ago, 9/11 Commission member Richard Ben-Veniste confronted a lead writer of "The Path to 9/11" after watching the first half of the miniseries at a screening, but most of what we know amounts to bits and pieces because ABC chose to screen the miniseries to conservative bloggers and right-wing media outlets exclusively. Almost none of the Democrats portrayed in the film have even been asked for their thoughts.
But we still know enough, thanks to news accounts and crack research, to fact check "The Path to 9/11" as a biased, irresponsible mess. Here's what you need to know:
This is a picture of bias -- a conservative attempt to rewrite the history of September 11 to blame Democrats, just in time for the election.
Tell Walt Disney president Robert Iger that you hold his company responsible -- and that this community demands that ABC tell the truth:
ABC is trying to use of the airwaves -- airwaves owned by you and me, and loaned to broadcasters as a public trust -- to slander Democrats and sell a slanderous, irresponsible fraud to the American people, and they're shamefully doing it just weeks away from Election Day.
The Walt Disney Corporation could have given Americans an honest look at September 11. Instead, the company abandoned its duty to the truth -- and embraced the fiction known as "The Path to 9/11."
But ABC isn't the only company pushing this gross revision of history. ABC has enlisted the reputable education and children's entertainment company Scholastic, Inc. to send 100,000 letters to high school teachers, urging them to show students "The Path to 9/11". Scholastic has also created a discussion guide for teachers to use to encourage students and their families to watch this irresponsible fraud and then discuss it in school. The discussion guide does not in any way point out the concerns and criticisms that have been raised about the validity and accuracy of the film.
We've got to stop this now.
ABC/Disney must face an accountability moment. You can ratchet up the pressure on ABC by sending your own letter to Walt Disney CEO Robert Iger -- tell him to keep this propaganda off their air.
Pope Benedict XVI has abolished the Vatican's Christmas concert because of his distaste for popular music, it was claimed yesterday.
The current pope prefers Bach to The concert has been held in one of the Vatican's music halls for the past 12 years to raise money to build new churches in Rome.
Stingray kills 'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin - Yahoo! News: "CAIRNS, Australia - Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television personality and conservationist known as the 'Crocodile Hunter,' was killed Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44."
Celebrity Gossip: Entertainment News & Juicy Gossip - The Hip, Modern Girls Favorite Blog: "MADONNA is thought to be planning to sing at a private party for the house of Louis Vuitton in Prague on September 8th, fueling rumors that she is about to be the new face of the house."