Maxwell Hammer's shared items

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Condi, Condi, Condi

Condoleeza Rice just before she lept on a reporter from the New York Times and ate his liver.

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Evil lookin' bitch ain't she?


Greycat said...

to be honest...if she was a man, no one would care how "mean' or "scary" she looked, because she's the secretary of defense. Sadly, because she is a woman, if she's not always happy and smiling, she's a bitch. Hell, if i had her job, I'd look the same way, except a little more sarcastic.

Greycat said...

Eeep...i mean secretary of state. Too many damn beers. Rumsfeld is secretary of defense.

Greycat said...
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Wayne Nix said...

Actually it's more like, if she weren't a Republican, I wouldn't call her mean or scary.

The Republcans wouldn't pick a woman for the job unless she is a very mean scary bitch. Anyone who is actually a little softer and actually pretty they tear apart. Case in point, Hillary Clinton. She used to be quite pretty, in the first term.